Low Premium Bullion
Below we have listed our lowest premium, most liquid bullion items. Make sure to check back for the latest deals and promotions on government / private minted bullion.
1 oz Silver Coins Only $0.99 Over Spot!
2024 1 oz Silver St. Helena Shekel of Tyre Replica Coins (New)
82% Off The Premium
2 oz Silver Coins Only $0.99/oz Over Spot!
2023 2 oz Silver British Tudor Beasts Bull of Clarence Coins (BU)
84% Off The Premium
10 oz Silver Bars Only $1.99/oz Over Spot!
10 oz Silver Argor Heraeus Cast Bars (New)
67% Off The Premium
1/2 oz Gold Eagle Coins Only $49.99/Coin Over Spot!
1/2 oz Gold American Eagle Coins (Random Year)
66% Off The Premium
Silver.com Bullion Deals
Here we have listed our lowest premium, most liquid bullion items. By purchasing the products on this page, you can ensure you pay the lowest possible markups over spot price, and thus acquire as much bullion as possible while staying within your budget.
For the absolute lowest markups over spot, consider purchasing generic bars and rounds, meaning the items were minted by privately owned companies as opposed to government mints. If you prefer a sovereign government coin, we have also listed great deals on many of the most popular official government coins including products from the US Mint, Royal Canadian Mint, and British Royal Mint.
Make sure to check back often for the latest deals and promotions on government and privately minted bullion. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns about the ordering process.